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Module auto-imports all @xstate/vue composables and createMachine function from xstate. You should be able to use them in your project right away!

To import your own state-machines, go create directory with the name of machines (or other name you specified in module options) and create a file that has the name of your state-machine. Module will look for default exports from that file, and append it with the suffix from the options, so you can use it in your project. To make this auto-imports fully type-safe, follow the official guide.

Expand to see code example

Let's say you have default options, in which case you would create your machine in machines dir and name it let's say loading.ts:

export default createMachine({
  // Your state-machine logic here
export default createMachine({
  // Your state-machine logic here

Then in your components/pages it would be auto-imported and ready for usage:

<script setup lang="ts">
  const { state, send } = useMachine(loadingMachine)
<script setup lang="ts">
  const { state, send } = useMachine(loadingMachine)

Known issue

Currently module only scans for your state-machines when launching dev server. If you want your new state-machines to be auto-imported, you need to restart the dev server. See this issue for more details and to track the progress of fixing the issue.

Released under the MIT License.